Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hi Curlies!!!

Hi Curlies!!!
I was washing my hair and guess what ....A band got tangled in my hair!! I always like to section my hair into 4sections using scrunchie bands to hold the hair… This keeps my hair from tangling up while washing it.Well, this pink band still manage to get tangled in my hair!!!This for me was a BiGGER nightmare then having fairy knots..( Fairy Knots-Fairy knots are tiny, single strand knots in your hair.) When using any type of bands please make sure your using ones with like terry cloth material without ridges in them. BTW it took me forever trying to get the band out…I ended up cutting it from my hair!

Peace& Love



  1. Tried that once. Although I didn't have problems with them tangling in my hair, I thought to myself , what are the possibilities of that happening? I concluded that I should not use them again. So I just braid them into sections. This also cuts down on detangling time. Sorry you had to cut it out.

  2. IKR!I never thought that would happen to
